Panel 1 - Preparing to Grow
Our expert panel takes you through a hypothetical company and the steps needed to build the right infrastructure and growth strategy.

Panel 2 - Executing on the Growth Strategy
This discussion will center around building your compliance program, having the right processes in place, training your employees, getting and retaining talent.
Panel 3 - You've Grown - Now What?
During lunch our expert will discuss your options for exiting the business you've grown. Sale, recapitalization, ESOP - what's it all mean?
Since 1993
Our Event
The Growth to Exit Event is the first in a series of symposiums hosted by Snyderman Law Group, PC and growth[period].
When: September 12, 2018
Where: Pyramid Club
1735 Market Street, 51st Floor
Philadelphia, PA
Time: 9:00 AM EST - 1:30 PM EST
Cost: Complimentary including lunch and snacks

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Don't miss this exclusive complimentary event.